Never Again 's review of Belmont Brokerage and Management Inc

Belmont Brokerage and Management Inc

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/24/2010
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Review 8/24/2010
I moved into one of Belmont's properties in January 2010. Since the day I moved in there has been nothing but problems with this company. My entire place has hardwood floors, keep in mind I moved in during the winter. Everyone knows hardwood floors keep the house very cold. I had no working heater, and when I tried contacting Belmont in regards to this matter, they considered it to be a non-important matter and I should just leave a message on the maintenance line and wait for a response. A response that took nearly three weeks. So in order to keep warm I had to use electric heaters which always blew out the entire electricity to my house. Not only did the electricity go out that one time. It does it all the time. I have came home from work many of days and I had no power in my house. My food went bad twice in my refrigerator due to old electricity. I've only been with Belmont for seven months and I am moving out this month but...... as I'm moving out what do I notice? MICE!!!!! My daughter was in her room watching TV and she ran into my bedroom and was saying there's a bug in her room. So I brushed her off thinking it was nothing until one week later I seen mice coming under the kitchen cabinets. I noticed wholes under the cabinets leading underneath the house. I have been devastated and never in my life have experienced anything like this ever before. Please don't rent from these people. It's unsafe, unhealthy and very stressful. Getting off work coming home should be a pleasant experience not terrifying. These people should be out of business. Don't waste your time or money.
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