Old Gamer's review of Cryptic Studios

Cryptic Studios

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/14/2010
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Review 4/14/2010
I have been dealing with gaming companies for a long time and Cryptic Studios has the worst customer service I have ever encountered. Any one thinking of doing business with this company should be very weary. I have had 5 separate, non-related CS problems with Cryptic and none of them were resolved in a proper manner or in a timely manner. The first one took 33 days to answer, the next two went unanswered and the last two had unsatisfactory results (and took over a week as well as required a lot of leg work on my part). Their CS is both unprofessional and unhelpful. When dealing with Cryptic CS via their online complaint system, via telephone and through email I was always direct, kind and even toned. Several times they were curt, rude, and unresponsive. Also, I never received an answer from a phone call - I was always, referred to an "elevated" status. FYI - elevated with Cryptic means, you may or may not get an email later informing you what you could have been informed via a phone call. Again, be very careful when dealing with this company, don't let the reviews with more than 2 stars fool you. This company is out to make money which is fine but they do so without care of their customers. It is like they support a Snake Oil salesman approach - sell a product that promises to do everything and then move to the next town before the citizens find out the product really does not do anything.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (408) 399-1969 Address   980 University Ave
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Website   http://www.crypticstudios.com Email   glacy@crypticstudios.com
Contact   Ginger Lacy Other  
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