Review 1/27/2010
I would like to take this opportunity and thank you and your company for a great project and superb construction experience.
As you know, it all started after we purchased our new home in August of 2009. Right after our closing, we contacted Nationwide pools, Inc. for an estimate on our new pool. In this economy, we had several concerns. First, we wanted a reputable pool contractor that would be there through the construction period. Second, we wanted a company that pride themselves with their customer service. Third, we wanted exceptional product in return to our investment, and finally, we wanted a deal. Well… we got it all and more.
First, I would like to thank the planning and permitting department. Stephanie D. was outstanding from beginning to end. Her superior ability to coordinate and plan around my schedule was out of this world. Being a police officer and working midnights, I can tell you that at no time did I loose any sleep. Stephanie was able to schedule inspections, meetings and planning events without interrupting my schedule. Thank you Stephanie and Marie for all that you have done for us. Next, I would like to thank John M., the Senior Construction Supervisor. John was exceptional in every way. John met with us before each stage of the construction and walked us though every step. John “Kept it Real” and advised us in what to expect each step of the way. John was informative, realistic and created a bridge between the paper contract and the physical product. John always acted professional and he represented Nationwide Pools Inc. in a superior light. John is a professional and accommodating to say the least. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. James S.. Generally, at point of sale, you expect promises. We were dumbfounded when he promised and over delivered. Honor, James can claim that one adjective any day of the week, and in this economy, it is as good as winning the lottery.
Thank you for making our dream a reality, please do not change a thing and feel free to have your customers stop by and see our final product at any time.
Sincerely yours,
Sergeant Eliran “Eli” Vidal