Justin S.'s review of NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/9/2010
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Review 8/9/2010
People have been giveing this company a hard time for years, not because they're a bad company, but because as a buisness, they're in the buisness of making money, and people are angry that without paying money to play this game it's extrememly hard to be "good". It's not impossible mind you, I know a few people who are amoung the top of their servers who have paid nothing towards the game. They need to stop whining and realize this is a buisness and if they didn't make money, those people wouldn't have anything to play.

Any time i've had a problem, this company has worked to solve it, when they aren't given much info to go on as most people do when they complain it takes much MUCH longer to solve their problems, but as long as you're detailed and explain exactly what happen it can usually be fixed within a week, which honestly isn't that long compared to some companies.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (909) 612-1681 Address   21660 Copely Drive, Suite 180
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Website   http://ir.netdragon.us/ Email   service@conqueronline.com
Contact   Ming Liu Other  
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