Suzanne S.'s review of Pin Up Girl Clothing

Pin Up Girl Clothing

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 3/31/2011
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Review 3/31/2011
I ordered a pair of shoes from this company. When the shoes arrived, I tried them on in my apartment and found them too small. Very cute, but too small. I took a couple of steps around my apartment to confirm this fact. A couple steps was all it took, because I could barely squeeze my wide feet into the narrow shoes. I sent them back immediately, the day after they were received - since the company's policy states that they will only issue a refund if merchandise is returned within 14 days. About a week later, I received the shoes back in the mail, in the same package in which I had shipped them. The package was marked, in large letters: "Refused. Obvious signs of wear." Apparently, they had opened the package, decided (who knows why?) that the shoes had been worn, then put them back in the package and marked it "Refused" so that they would not be charged to ship it back! I swear to Buddha, I never took more than two steps in those shoes, in my carpeted apartment. I could not accept them back, as there was NO WAY I could ever wear them! SO - I had to spend another $17 to have the shoes shipped back, again - FedEx this time, requiring a signature for delivery. I included a note alleging that whoever deemed them "obviously worn" must be on crack, and insisting that they take the shoes back. They did - but that $40 pair of shoes I couldn't wear, ended up costing me about $30 in return shipping - an amount that was never offered back to me in store credit. What kind of company opens a return, then reseals it and marks it "Refused"? That's just plain dishonest - and meanwhile they alleged I was dishonest in returning them! That's adding insult to injury.
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