Thomas W.'s review of Quake Kare, Inc.

Quake Kare, Inc.

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Elizabeth Shutters
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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
5.0 star rating 0 miles
4.8 star rating 0 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/11/2011
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. 0
Review 4/11/2011
I placed an order through their website in mid March, was charged for the order within a day, and received a confirmation email of the order. After that the communication stopped. After around 10 days I began to try and check the status of the order. I tried the website, but could not remember my password. Attempted to use their 'Lost password' feature, and never got an email with any info on resetting of it. Tried to call the company, and got a recording about 'high volume of orders' so it may take time to answer to phone. Sent an email to them asking for a status update, decided I would try to be patient, and so I waited another couple days. Approx. 3 days later, still no emails from the company, I again attempted the password recovery, to no avail. Called the company, this time waiting on hold (hitting the button every minute so my call would not go to voicemail), and was able to confirm that my order is STILL being processed, they are backed up, they would look into the website problem, etc. Person on phone took down my email and said they would contact me about password reset. It's now been about 7 days from the last contact, and I have yet to receive any contact information, order status, website password reset info, or even an apology for the order taking so long. I understand they probably received a lot of orders in the recent weeks, and hey that's great for them. But in the many years of ordering products from a plethora of online stores, I have never felt so abandoned by a business. At least send out an update letting your clients know the orders are backed up. Fix your website, give some kind of status or updated time estimate, above all else COMMUNICATE! Very poor service IMO. I would not recommend them to anybody. ## EDIT ## Order finally arrived after almost a month, and its complete. I'll bump my rating of them up a notch for actually delivering, but their service and communication skills still need improvement. ## EDIT ##
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Hours   Phone   (805) 553-0688 Address   11969 Challenger Ct.
Moorpark, CA 93021
Website Email
Contact   Sherry Heitz Other  
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