LL U.'s review of Youthology Research Institute

Youthology Research Institute

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Beauty Source
2357 miles
4.0 star rating 2363 miles
Elizabeth Shutters
4.8 star rating 2325 miles
5.0 star rating 2358 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/27/2010
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Review 1/27/2010
This company is a total FORCE SELL SCAM type fraud. They AD on TV for $39.99, their 1st web page also shown $39.99, if you click on "order", it prompted to an order page which ask you to fill out all the credit card info, after you click submit, it then shown total of $97.99. And there is NO WHERE on the website where can find a "VIEW MY CART" for cancellation. And even you click on their CustomerCare and mail in the cancel request immediately, they give you the autoReply and pretend they don't know and still shipped out the product 3 days later, and if you feel being tricked, hey, try to call the never answered phone, they make you stay on line for hours try to discourage you, and finally after 4 attempts, someone call you back on a line that you can't not hear what they are saying, and they will try to give you discount for not return back to them. If all failed, then they said ship back on your own cost and they still charge you for the S&H. I have all the emails' date and time to prove my case, and I welcome a court hearing. Can't believe this is call Customer Satisfactory. I highly WARN people do not buy any product from this type of company who are so scare of customer cancellation. If your product is good, why hide the initial cost or cancellation page? Tell all your friends and ask them to see all review on here the BBB.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   24/7 online Phone   (866) 968-8490 Address   P.O. Box 4571
Pacoima, CA 91333
Website   http://www.youthology.com Email   diane@youthology.com
Contact   Diane Pogroszewski Other  
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